Computing - Motherboard & Desktop Computing
Data Spotlight: The Taiwanese Optical Disk Drive Industry, 3Q 2007
July 23, 2007 / Nancy Wang
10 Page, Statistics Report


Due to the advent of the peak season in the PC industry, coupled with PC brands' promotion activities for PCs paired with the Microsoft Vista operating system, the demand for end-products was boosted. Taiwanese ODD (Optical Disk Drive) shipment volume thus rose significantly in the second quarter of 2007 as compared to the first. Taiwanese shipment volume in the second quarter is estimated at 21.2 million units, up nearly 14% sequentially. After the merger activity in 2006, Taiwanese ODD makers are still in a transition period. Furthermore, Japanese and Korean makers are aggressively expanding their market shares with price-oriented strategies. Therefore, Taiwanese ODD shipments slipped 22% year-on-year in the first half of 2007 to approximately 40.0 million units.
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